Easter Sunday

What glorious weather we have been having these last few days. Sunny, warm, calm, temperature of over 20 degrees. Positively continental.
A few rides during the last week in this weather was almost obligatory. The C Group,  who I cycle with, has set a 75km run today with an 8am start, for the day that is in it. Suited me lovely. I am more concerned with getting out every day rather than thinking about distance. Feeling absolutely great after the spin. 8am start. Meant home and hosed by 12.30. the whole Easter Day ahead.
Wouldn't it be great if we had this weather from next week onwards?
But, somehow I doubt it.
Normally on this trip we get a bit of everything. Rain,hail,snow,wind with a little bit of the good stuff thrown in. Thats the way it always is one this ride. So, I don't expect it to be any different.
One thing is for sure! It will be good. It will be exciting. It will be hairy, It will be uplifting and joyful. It will be sad and woeful. But most of all it will be positive and hopeful that Shoulder to Shoulder we will stimulate the conversation about positive mental health and do something to break the cycle of suicide in Ireland.
Another week of preparation is ahead and Im feel good about it.


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