86km Westmanstown to Tullamore Day 1

In the aftermath of Storm Hannah I arrived in Westmanstown in Lucan for the start. I say the aftermath but it was more than that. A gale was blowing from the West while we were planning to go west. There was a good crowd when I got there. People were milling around taking stuff and bikes out of cars and vans. There were a lot of familiar faces and new faces. Guys I hadn’t seen for a year, since the last cycle. Into the main reception area to more greetings and upstairs to the sign on. There is a question mark over the start time . Its been decided to wait an extra hour before taking off because the wind is due to ease. 
There is time for a coffee and scone now. Seeing old acquaintances and having time for chats and catch-ups before the actual rollout.
Eventually we are off in bright sunshine, but quite cold. So different from last week when we were basking in summer sunshine. Forecast says it will be better tomorrow.
Heading off directly into the wind is mitigated by the fact that we are a large group and there is plenty of shelter from people in front. Pace is slow. There is about 250 in the group all being kept together b y the marshalls and the lead car.
Out to Leixlip, Maynooth stopping for a water-stop at Kilcock. There is no let-up in the wind and we are being battered by gusts with intermittent heavy showers. The drag out of Kilcock to the turn at Johnstown Bridge is really tough. Into the strong wind made worse by the open road. Edenderry is a welcome sight for our lunch stop. 
We get our by now customary on this trip, a hailstorm. I knew that would happen some time this trip. But didn’t expect it so soon.
The las 30km into Tullamore is just more of the same . Full on headwind. Getting to me now!
I have made contact with my homestay and they will be waiting to pick me up. 
Sean arrives and takes myself and Micheala, my Belfast friend, to his parents home, Pauline and Noel. Pauline has a beautiful meal waiting for us after a shower and a change of clothes.
After a lovely evenings craic its time for bed.
First day over and looking forward to tomorrow. Tullamore to Nenagh and Castletroy College.
)n the road at last
Maria, my good friend from the kingdom, Lixnaw.
Garda likes Lullabel so much he wants to swap!
Where's the FOOD!!
"Follow me Guys"
Danny. Just off a 5 peaks challenge.


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